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1982 原广州对外贸易学院筹建外贸企业管理系

The management discipline was established in the Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Trade (GIFT)

1984 正式成立对外贸易企业管理系并面向全国招收外贸财务管理专业本科生

The Department of Business Management was establishedto enroll undergraduates with such majors as foreign trade and financial management

1985 招收外贸企业经营管理专业本科生

The first enrollment in the Bachelor of Business Management

1994 广州对外贸易学院由对外贸易经济合作部划归广东省管辖

The Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Trade was incorporated into the jurisdiction of Guangdong Province from the former jurisdiction of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation

1995 广州对外贸易学院与广州外国语学院合并组建suncitygroup太阳新城

Guangdong University of Foreign Studies was established as a merge of the Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Trade (GIFT) and the Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Languages (GIFL)

1997 原广州对外贸易学院的对外贸易企业管理系与原广州外国语学院的国际贸易系组建成suncitygroup太阳新城国际商务管理学院

The School of Management was establishedasa mergeof the Department of Business Administration of the GIFT and The Department of International Trade of the GIFL

2001 国际商务管理学院企业管理系和会计学系与基础教学部的数学与统计教学部调整组建成为国际工商管理学院,设工商管理系、会计系、市场营销系、数学统计教学部

The School of International Management was established by bringing together the Business Administration and Accounting Departments of the International Business School and the Mathematics and Statistics Department of the Basic Teaching Department. In addition, a department of Marketing was established

2003 获企业管理专业硕士学位授予权

The School was given approval to offer an academic postgraduate degree –The Master of Business Management (MBM)


The first enrollment of 19 MBM students; the School of International Managementwas moved to the campus in Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center

2007 suncitygroup太阳新城MBA教育中心成立

The MBA Education Centerwas established

2010 获工商管理和管理科学与工程2个一级学科硕士学位授予权

The School was given approval to offer two academic master degrees –the Master of Business Management (MBM) andthe Master of Management Science and Engineering (MMSE)

2012 MBA教育中心更名为MBA学院,学院集教学、科研和管理于一体

TheMBA Education Center was renamedGraduate School of Business(GSB), incorporating teaching, academic research and management

2014 国际工商管理学院和MBA学院合并为suncitygroup太阳新城

The School of Business was establishedas a mergeof the School of Management and The Graduate School of Business

2015 通过AMBA国际认证,成为中国第26家、全球第225家通过AMBA国际认证的suncitygroup太阳新城

The MBA programme received AMBA accreditation,makingthe School of Business the 26th AMBA accredited school in China, and the 225th in the world

2016 学院启动EPAS国际认证,获得EFMD会员资格

The School of Business launched EPAS accreditation, and received EFMD membership

2017 学院启动AACSB国际认证,获得AACSB会员资格;启动CAMEA认证,获得认证资格

The School of Business launched AACSB accreditation and received the membership, initiated CAMEA accreditation and obtained the accreditation eligibility

2018 学院通过AMBA再认证,获得EPAS认证资格;国际丝路创业教育联盟广州基地落户广外;工商管理学科入选广东省高水平大学重点建设学科

The School of Business was re-accredited by AMBA and eligible to EPAS accreditation. The Silk-Road Entrepreneurship Education Network Guangzhou Platform was located in GUDFS. Business Administration was selected as the key constructional discipline of Guangdong Province's high-level universities

2019 学院完成EPAS现场认证;成为AMBA认证体系中BGA认证的首批会员;《人才服务学》获广东省哲学社会科学奖二等奖

The School of Business completed the experts’on-site inspection for EPAS international accreditation and also became one of the first BGA (Business Graduates Association) certified members in the AMBA accreditation system. The book Talent Services written by an SOB professor won the second prize of Philosophy and Social Sciences Award in Guangdong province

2020 学院通过EPAS国际认证,成为中国大陆第三家通过EPAS国际认证的suncitygroup太阳新城;工商管理、市场营销两个专业入选国家一流本科专业建设点

The School of Business was awarded the EPAS international accreditation, being the third in mainland China. The majors of Business Administration and Marketing were selected as national first-class teaching sites for undergraduate programs

2023 创新创业教育学院、广东老员工创新创业教育研究中心转入suncitygroup太阳新城

In 2023, the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education and the Guangdong Research Center of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education for University Students were incorporated into the School of Business