学术论文 |
[25] Bi Li, Kaihui Zhang, Yan Wu, Zhifeng Hao. Interpersonal Relationship Stress Brings on Social Networking Sites Addiction Among Chinese Undergraduate Students. Frontiers in Psychology, 2022, 13, 905971. [SSCI, Q1] [24] Jingfa Liu, Siyu Liu, Zhaoxia, Liu, Bi Li. Configuration space evolutionary algorithm for multi-objective unequal-area facility layout problems with flexible bays. Applied Soft Computing. [SCI, Q1], 2020, 89: 106052 [23] Bi Li, Yan Wu, Zhifeng Hao, Xueming Yan, Boyu Chen. The effects of trust on life satisfaction in the context of WeChat use. Telematics and Informatics, 2019, (42): 1-7. [SSCI, Q1] [22] Bi Li, Yan Wu, Shengyi Jiang, Huizhen Zhai. WeChat addiction suppresses the impact of stressful life events on life satisfaction. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 2018, 21(3): 194-198. [SSCI, Q1] [21] Yan Wu, Qimin Liang, Bi Li. Development and Validation of the Self-Conscious Emotion Regulatory Efficacy Scale (SCERES). Sage Open, 2016, 6(3): 1-5. [SSCI, Q2] [20] 吴艳, 李碧, 吴苏霖, 陈萃. 自尊在学习压力对中员工学习倦怠影响中的调节作用. 中华行为医学与脑科学杂志, 2015, 24(1): 56-58. [19] Bi Li, Yan Wu, Zhonglin Wen, Mengcheng Wang. Adolescent student burnout inventory in mainland china: Measurement invariance across gender and educational track. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 2014, 32(3): 227-235. [SSCI] [18] 吴艳, 温忠麟, 李碧. 潜变量交互效应模型标准化估计中的检验问题. 心理学探新, 2014, 34(3), 260-264. [17] 李碧, 吴艳. 含0子块行列式的计算. 数学教学研究, 2011, 30(12): 50-52 [16] 赵晓芳, 林土胜, 李碧. 视网膜图像中视盘的快速自动定位方法. 华南理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2011, 39(2): 71-75. [15] 罗忠亮, 林土胜, 李碧, 杨军, 张地. 用于虹膜识别的轮廓波特征提取. 计算机工程与科学, 2011, 33(1): 77-81. [14] 段文文, 李碧. 基于混沌的数字图像置乱算法及参数优化. 计算机应用研究, 2011, 28(1): 329-331. [13] 蒋盛益, 李霞, 李碧, 王连喜. 音乐情感自动分析研究. 计算机工程与设计, 2010, 31(18): 4112-4115. [12] 魏子恒, 李碧, 林土胜. 一种有效的LTE下行残留频偏估计方法. 计算机应用研究, 2010, 27(6): 2290-2293. [11] 李碧, 林土胜, 廖亮. 初始码字间距最大化的矢量量化码书设计算法. 小型微型计算机系统, 2009, 30(4): 780-783. [10] 李碧, 林土胜. 协同进化在遗传算法中的应用述评. 计算机科学, 2009, 36(4): 34-37, 63. [9] 李碧, 林土胜. 基于竞争协同进化的改进遗传算法. 深圳大学学报(理工版), 2009, 26(1): 24-29. [8] 李碧, 林土胜, 姜灵敏. 应用协同进化的图像矢量量化码书设计方法. 计算机工程与应用, 2008, 44(36): 29-31. [7] 李碧, 林土胜, 刘清, 范策. 基于新的空胞腔策略的矢量量化码书设计方法. 计算机工程与应用, 2008, 44(28): 40-42. [6] 李碧, 林土胜, 廖亮. 一种基于变异的紧凑遗传算法. 计算机工程, 2008, 34(4): 207-208. [5] Liang Liao, Tusheng Lin, Bi Li. MRI brain image segmentation and bias field correction based on fast spatially constrained kernel clustering approach. Pattern Recognition Letters, 2008, 29(10): 1580-1588. [4] 廖亮, 林土胜, 李碧, 张卫东. 基于模糊Gibbs场和模糊C均值聚类的脑部磁共振图像的分割. 生物医学工程学杂志, 2008, 25(6): 1264-1270. [3] 李碧, 雍正正, 周安宁. 一种嵌入式的协同进化模型. 计算机工程与应用, 2005, 41(9): 62-63. [2] 李碧, 雍正正. 基于多种层竞争的高效并行遗传算法. 电子学报, 2002, 30(12A): 2161-2162. [1] 李碧, 雍正正. 一种改进的基于遗传算法的聚类分析方法. 电路与系统学报, 2002, 7(3): 96-99. 会议论文(详见:www.scholat.com/libi):
[7] Bi Li, Boyu Chen, Nankai Lin, Xueming Yan, Yue Xie, Zhifeng Hao. Generating synthetic tabular data by using image generative adversarial networks. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2024. [EI] [6] Bi Li, Boyu Chen, Yan Wu, Juan Wang, Xueming Yan, Yahui Yang. Identifying the motives of using Weibo from digital traces. International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval, pp. 169-172, 2020. [EI] [5] Xueming Yan, Licong Tan, Jinyong Chen, Bi Li. A Multi-Strategy Elite Ant System Algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Window. IEEE International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Aided Education, ICISCAE 2020. [EI] [4] Wang Li, Bi Li, Qiansheng Zhang. Genetic algorithm with geographic speciation. International Conference on Natural Computation, pp. 665-668, 2012. [EI] [3] Bi Li, Aimin Yang, Jun Yang. Rotated face detection using adaBoost. International Conference on Information Engineering and Computer Science, ICIECS 2010: 45-48. [EI] [2] Xiaofang Zhao, Wenwen Duan, Tusheng Lin, Bi Li. A method of retinal vessel width measurement. International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering, ICCAE 2010: 443-446. [EI] [1] Bi Li, Tu-Sheng Lin, Liang Liao, Ce Fan. Genetic algorithm based on multipopulation competitive coevolution. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE CEC 2008: 225-228. [EI]