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郝佳 副教授

郝佳 副教授














suncitygroup太阳新城营销副教授,硕士生导师。CMC中国营销研究中心研究员,香港中文大学荣誉研究员,广州直播电商研究院特约研究员。研究方向:品牌管理,消费者创新,跨文化心理学。曾先后赴美国明尼苏达大学卡尔森suncitygroup太阳新城,香港中文大学亚太研究所从事合作研究。讲授课程包括《市场营销原理》、《消费者行为学》、《营销管理》、《营销调研》、《营销案例与实践》、《营销理论与研究》等本科和研究生的全英课程,曾获得大学年度优秀教学奖。主持国家自然科学项目1项, 参与省部级以上科研项目3项,参与编译《消费者行为学》、《人格与社会心理测量手册》等学术专著,在顶级学术期刊(SSCI,CSSCI)如《跨文化心理学》,《外国经济与管理》,《营销科学》,《商业经济学》和《中国营销》上发表论文数篇,多次获得suncitygroup太阳新城优秀科研业绩奖。



1.Hao, J., Li, D., Peng, L., Peng, S., & Torelli, C. J. (2016). Advancing our understanding of culture mixing. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47(10), 1257-1267.

2.Keh, H. T., Torelli, C. J., Chiu, C. Y., & Hao, J. (2016). Integrative responses to culture mixing in brand name translations: The roles of product self-expressiveness and self-relevance of values among bicultural Chinese consumers. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47(10), 1345-1360.

3.Solomon, Lu, Yang, Hao 2014 Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having and Being, (10th Edition)(Chinese Edition) Pearson, Beijing

4.Hao, J. 2013. Brand-added Value of E-business in the Age of Big Data China Marketing 472(2): 62-64.

5.Hao, J., & Zhou, Y.-j. 2010. Dual Consumer Cultural Identities in Globalizing Markets and Their Impacts on Brand Name Positioning International Economics and Trade Research 26(9): 66-71.

6.Hao, J. 2009. Culturally Suggestive Effects of Brand Name on Brand Perception, Attitude and Choice: A Consumer Cultural Psychology Perspective. Sun Yat-Sen University Guang Zhou

7.Hao, J. 2009 A Review of Cross-subject, Cross-cultural Brand Naming Research in A Global Context Foreign Economics & Management 31(4): 51-57.



Dr. Jia Hao (AssociateProfessor)

Personal Information

Gender: Female

Nationality: Chinese

ResearchInterests:Branding & Brand Management, Consumer Psychology

Courses Taught

Postgraduate courses: Marketing Management,Consumer Behavior

Undergraduate courses: Principles of Marketing,Consumer Behavior,Marketing Research Methods, Marketing Theories and Studies

Educational History

PhD Business Management– Marketing and Consumer Psychology

Master Strategic Marketing

Bachelor Marketing Management



Dr. Hao is Assistant Professor of Marketing at School of English for International Business, Guangdong University of Foreign studies. She has rich experiences in marketing teaching (in English) and international academic exchange. In 2005, she was sponsor by the InWent Program of Germany government as a full time visiting scholar at FHW Berlin. In 2008, she went to Carlson School of Management at University of Minnesota in the USA as visiting scholar. She received her Ph.D (2009) from Sun Yat-Sun University, an MA (2002) and a BA (2000) from University of Gloucestershire. Her research publications have appeared in top national academic journals such as Foreign Economics & Management, and International Economics and Trade Research.

Publications& Projects

Representative Research Publications:

1.Hao, J., Li, D., Peng, L., Peng, S., & Torelli, C. J. (2016). Advancing our understanding of culture mixing. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47(10), 1257-1267.

2.Keh, H. T., Torelli, C. J., Chiu, C. Y., & Hao, J. (2016). Integrative responses to culture mixing in brand name translations: The roles of product self-expressiveness and self-relevance of values among bicultural Chinese consumers. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47(10), 1345-1360.

3.Solomon, Lu, Yang, Hao 2014 Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having and Being, (10th Edition)(Chinese Edition) Pearson, Beijing

4.Hao, J. 2013. Brand-added Value of E-business in the Age of Big Data China Marketing 472(2): 62-64.

5.Hao, J., & Zhou, Y.-j. 2010. Dual Consumer Cultural Identities in Globalizing Markets and Their Impacts on Brand Name Positioning International Economics and Trade Research 26(9): 66-71.

6.Hao, J. 2009. Culturally Suggestive Effects of Brand Name on Brand Perception, Attitude and Choice: A Consumer Cultural Psychology Perspective. Sun Yat-Sen University Guang Zhou

7.Hao, J. 2009 A Review of Cross-subject, Cross-cultural Brand Naming Research in A Global Context Foreign Economics & Management 31(4): 51-57.


E-mail: jessiehao@

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